Popular Press

January 2018PodcastChris Jackson and Tom Narock chat with Science... Sort of about preprints, EarthArXiv, and computers taking over the world.
November 2017PodcastChris Jackson and Tom Narock chat with Nature's Forcast podcast about preprints and EarthArXiv.
November 2017PodcastChris Jackson and Tom Narock chat with Geocast about preprints and EarthArXiv.
October 2017BlogThe Center for Open Science, whose technology hosts EarthArXiv, wrote a blog post interviewing the founders of EarthArXiv.
October 2017PodcastChris Jackson and Tom Narock visited with Undersampled Radio to chat about preprints and EarthArXiv.
September 2017ScienceScience magazine published an article on our EarthArXiv preprint efforts.
April 2015Marymount UniversitySchool newsletter featured an article on GeoLink student researchers
February 2015Marymount UniversityMarymount Faculty Spotlight
January 2015Science Online

Science news article on our NSF-funded GeoLink project
May 2014SemanticWeb.comSemanticWeb.com is the leading website dedicated to news and information about the application of Semantic Technologies. On May 21, 2014, SemanticWeb.com published an article about our NSF-funded OceanLink project
October 2013YouTubeNational Science Foundation YouTube video on our OceanLink project
November 2009Scientific AmericanInterviewed for story on Semantic Web